
This accessibility statement concerns the website helinamuseo.fi/en.

The Helinä Rautavaara Museum strives to ensure the helinamuseo.fi/en website accessibility in compliance with the digital services law 306/2019 on the provision of services to the public.

Meeting the requirements

The helinamuseo.fi/en/ -websites comply with the requirements of the law 306/2019 on the provision of digital services.

Non-compliances are listed below under the heading ‘Non-accessible content’.

Non-accessible content

So far, no non-accessible content has been identified.

Please report any accessibility problems to Ilona Niinikangas, Museum Director by e-mail to ilona.niinikangas@helinamuseo.fi or by phone 046 8511 815.

Compiling the accessibility report

The report was prepared on 13.9.2022. It was updated on 13.9.2022.

The report has been compiled based on an expert assessment by the digital consultancy Dude Oy. Gaps and areas for improvement identified in the accessibility have been or will be addressed in the first instance as mentioned above.

Feedback and contact details

Did you notice an accessibility gap? Let us know!

We will try to fix the problem as soon as possible! You can contact us by email or by phone.